During this meeting Leo Visser will cover some basic theory about teaching. After this we will do some exercises to practice with this theory. And in the end there will be time for some discussion and sharing of experiences so we can all learn from each other.
To join go to the following link:
You will see an screen like above. Enter your name and email address. A request will be send to us to allow you into this team. After we allowed you in (this can take a while because we don’t check out email all the time). After the approval you will get an email on the address you provided which looks like this:
If you click the button you will be prompted to log in. If you already have a microsoft account set to this email address it will ask you to login and then review the permission. After you accepted them Read on at *****.
If you haven’t set a microsoft account yet it will ask you to set up a microsoft account to this email address. This is a very simple procedure, just follow the steps they give you and then you will be all set.
You will now see a screen like this:
You can choose to download the app if you want too or you can use the web app instead. Both look the same and have the same options. In this example we will use the web app. If you get a prompt like on the screenshot you can just cancel it and select the button “Use the web app instead”.
You will get a small introduction from microsoft explaining how Teams works. You can choose to follow it or skip it.
You will now end up in this screen:
Depending on what you use it’s possible the channel “Balfolk Teachers Meeting” is in the left column already. If not you can click on the hidden channels and click on “show” next to it. This will make it stay in the left colum.
After you open this channel you will see a message about the meeting with the question to reply to it.
Click the reply button and post a message under it that you are interested. Make sure that you are online in the app during the time of the meeting and you will be invited into the call. If you are later or you aren’t invited by the time it starts reply again under this message and we will invite you. Due to the fact that we are using the free version of this software we can’t schedule a meeting beforehand which you can easily join, this is why it’s done in this way.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask them in the General channel.